
[version 2023.05]


MC1000 Introduction to Missiology

An overview of the theological mandate for mission, the historical development, basic concepts of mission, and contemporary challenges.


MC2000/PT2003 Evangelism

See PT2003.


MC2001/CH2005 History of Christian Mission

A study of the expansion of Christianity from its origins in the Near East to Europe and other continents, with a focus on Christian missions to Asia and the contemporary mission work of different churches.


MC2002 Theology of Mission

An introductory course that surveys Mission Theology, from Paul and the New Testament to contemporary concepts such as Missio Dei and inculturation.


MC2015/DK2001 Mission and Diakonia

See DK2001.


MC3000 Contemporary Missiological Models

Examining contemporary approaches to mission strategy in light of theological assumptions and practical utility.


MC3001/PT3006 Urban Mission

A course studying the Biblical foundations and examining the present task and the theories of ministry in urban areas.


MC3004/NT3006 Mission in the New Testament

See NT3006.


MC3007/PT3004 Ministry and Mission at the Working Place

This course provides theological groundwork and practical strategies for ministering to Christians who are facing challenges to their faith in their working places. It should help ministers to encourage Christians to be witnesses of Christ and renew the culture of the marketplace.


MC3009/PT3010 Cultural Exploration and Mission

This course has three main objectives: a. to strengthen the ability of students to adapt to, and respect, other cultures in this globalized world; b. to enhance the students’ vision of God’s active presence in the world and of their vocation within that action; and c. to give students the chance to reflect on their encounter with God and others in a cross-cultural setting, in order to open themselves to life-changing experiences. These objectives will be approached through classroom instruction, short-term travel to, and engagement with, a cultural setting outside Hong Kong, and personal reflection on that engagement through submission of a formal paper.