
[version 2023.05]


LEn1001 English Reading and Writing I

This one-semester course offers exposure to multiple types of English writing. The course focuses on public reading and pronunciation, as well as reading comprehension in such areas as skimming, scanning, outlining, highlighting, and summarizing. Students will utilize the Bible, dictionaries, thesauri, and other English texts to accomplish course goals. This course requires placement examination for intake assessment.


LEn1002 English Reading and Writing II

This one-semester course offers basic construction skills for written English with progressive development toward complex theological writing. The course builds foundational writing aptitudes, addressing common errors on the micro level and content correction on the macro level. Students will utilize a myriad of readings as forms for better writing. This course requires placement examination for intake assessment.


LEn1003 English Speaking & Listening

This one-semester course offers a dual focus on listening to English as well as English verbal construction. The course emphasizes interpersonal speaking/listening skills, verbal instruction, informative speaking, and sermonic discourse. Students will acquire deconstruction and reconstruction skills on varied texts. This course requires placement examination for intake assessment.


LEn1004 Advanced English Theological Reading and Writing

This course offers a breadth and depth of advanced English study with theological terminology, theological differentiation and critical thinking. Students will engage Scriptural theological expressions as well as those of Christian history. This course requires placement examination for intake assessment.


LEn1005 English Language Thesis/Dissertation Course I

This one-semester course offers focused attention on writing and editing in preparation for completing a thesis or dissertation. Students will be required to accomplish weekly writing and editing projects to bolster their aptitudes in English thesis construction.


LEn1006 English Language Thesis/Dissertation Course II

This one-semester course offers a continuation of “English Language Thesis/Dissertation Course I”. The focus is particularly on theological dissertations, editing, and preparation for oral defence. Students will encounter peer review and critical thinking techniques.