2025-2026 Programs Enrollment
Pastoral Training Programs
Requirement for admission: secondary school Form 6 or equivalent.
Requirement for admission: a bachelor degree or above.
Bachelor of Christian Studies and Master of Divinity (Dual Degree)
Requirement for admission: higher diploma or advanced diploma or an associate degree or equivalent.
Pastoral Enhancement Programs
Master of Divinity with Theological Degree
Requirement for admission: a B.Th. degree or equivalent.
Master of Arts in Specific Area
Master of Arts in Classical Judaism
Master of Arts in Lutheran Studies
Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling
Master of Arts in Christian Spirituality
Master of Arts in Christian Spiritual Direction
Requirement for admission: a B.Th. degree or equivalent.
Requirement for admission: a M.Div. degree or equivalent; and 5 years of ministerial experience.
Christian Leadership Programs
Diploma Programs
Requirement for admission: secondary school Form 6 or equivalent.
Postgraduate Diploma in Biblical Studies
Requirement for admission: a bachelor degree or above.
Associate Degree Programs
Associate of Christian Studies
Requirement for admission: secondary school Form 6 or equivalent.
Bachelor Programs
Bachelor of Christian Studies in Christian Education
Bachelor of Christian Studies in Christian Counseling
Requirement for admission: secondary school Form 6 or equivalent.
Master Programs
Requirement for admission: a bachelor degree or equivalent.
Christian Counseling Programs
Higher Diploma in Christian Counseling
Bachelor of Christian Studies in Christian Counseling
Requirement for admission: secondary school Form 6 or equivalent.
Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling
Requirement for admission: a bachelor degree or equivalent.
Christian Spirituality Programs
Master of Arts in Christian Spirituality
Master of Arts in Christian Spiritual Direction
Requirement for admission: a bachelor degree or equivalent.
Advanced Study Programs
Requirement for admission: a M.Div. degree or equivalent.
Requirement for admission: a M.Div. degree or equivalent; and 5 years of ministerial experience.
Requirement for admission: a M.Th. degree or equivalent.
Important Notes
1. Please read the Lutheran Theological Seminary Catalogue 2023-2026 for program details.
2. Applicant should complete the application form, and submit the required documents on or before the application deadline. Postal address: Registrar, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 50 To Fung Shan Road, Shatin, Hong Kong (Remarks: Application for Admission).
3. Fee (Cheque payable to “Lutheran Theological Seminary”, non-refundable)
Diploma/Postgraduate Diploma/Bachelor/Master/Exchange/ISP Programs Application Fee: HK$400
Doctoral Programs Application Fee: HK$600
Personality Test Fee: HK$400
4. When the application documents are well received, the applicant will receive an entrance examination notification by email.
5. Entrance exam result will be announced within 10 working days after the entrance exam.
6. Incomplete application or delinquent in paying fees, the application will be delay until the applicant submit all required documents.
Any enquiry, please contact the Registrar by email to [email protected]