Date:           Sunday, October 27, 2024
Time:                3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Meeting Point:  ELCHK Living Spirit Lutheran Church (1 Tong Lo Wan Shan Road, Shatin)
Walking Route: ELCHK Living Spirit Lutheran Church > Pak Lok Path > LTS (Approx. 1km)

Fundraising Goal: HK$3 million

A. Event Schedule:
•    3:00 PM: Opening Ceremony at ELCHK Living Spirit Lutheran Church
•    4:00 PM: Carnival at LTS
•    5:00 PM: Walkathon Thanksgiving Service at LTS Chapel
(3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Donation Collection at Ming Yi Lecture Hall, LTS)

C. Specific Arrangements on the Walkathon Day

D. Why is the Dining Hall Undergoing Renovation

Since the removal to the Tao Fung Shan campus in 1992, the dining hall has served as a place for generations to share their culinary memories and fellowship. The dining hall has aged over years, with wear and tear such as ceilings peeled, walls cracked, outdoor podium unevened, tables and chairs torn. There are also leakages, poor lighting, rusty sound system, drainage blocking and old kitchen equipment, etc.

The Seminary set up a "Dining Hall Renovation Project Team" in early 2024. An architect on voluntarily basis, has given us valuable professional advice on interior design as well as the tendering procedure. He also agreed to oversee the whole project.

The project has already started in mid-May and is scheduled to be completed by the end of August, hopefully to be ready for the new academic year.

E. Dining Hall Renovation Project Cost: HK$3 Million

  • Dining Hall and Outdoor Podium        $1.3M
  • Audiovisual Equipment                         $0.4M
  • Kitchen Equipment                               $0.9M
  • Dishwashing Machine and Sundries     $0.4M

F. Construction Schedule
Mid-May to the end of August 2024.

G. How will the Dining Hall be used after Renovation
After renovation, the dining hall could accommodate more people and can be used for multi-purposes activities. In addition to daily meals, it can also be used for classes, events, gatherings, and wedding receptions.

Please contact Ms. Tang of the Development Department.
Phone: 2684 3203 / 2691 1520

WhatsApp: 2684 3203
Email: [email protected]
Address: 50 Tao Fung Shan Road, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong