Dr. Gradl, Stefan


Assistant Professor (Missiology, Christian Education, Pastoral Theology)


Tel: 2684 3218
Email: [email protected]


D.Th. in Systematic Theology (Ethics), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 2004.
Visiting Member, Lutheran Seminary of the University of Amsterdam/Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 1999-2004.
Visiting Researcher, Catholic Theological University Utrecht/Thomas Institute Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1999-2004.
Theological Church Exam II, Germany, 1999.
Theological Church Exam I, Germany, 1996.
Studies at the universities of Erlangen and Marburg, Germany, and the Faculty of Protestant Theology Brussels, Belgium.



Assistant Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2020-.
Lecturer and Postdoctoral Researcher, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-N
ürnberg, Germany, 2004-2008.



Pastor, United Protestant Church in Belgium (parish Mechelen-South), 2014-2020.
Pastor (parish Langensteinach), Germany, 2008-2014.
Pastoral worker, Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Netherlands (parish Zaandam), 2003-2004.
Ordained, 2002.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, Germany, 1996-.


Research Interests:

History of Mission in Burma/Myanmar
Importance of Religion for Politics and Society in South-East Asia, especially in Burma/Myanmar
Christian Theology in Myanmar


Selected Publications:

Deus beatitudo hominis. Eine evangelische Annäherung an die Glückslehre des Thomas von Aquin (German, 2004).

“Inspektor Columbo irrt. Kriminalistische Überlegungen zur Frage‚ Kannte Luther Thomas?” in Luther 77 (German, 2006).

The Pastoral Luther: The 'Tessaradecas Consolatoria pro Laborantibus et Oneratis' (1519) Revisited, in: Alister Au (ed.). To See a Theological World in a Grain of Sand. Festschrift for Pilgrim Lo on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Hong Kong: Gratia Christian College, 2023, 55-76.