Dr. Dubbelman, Samuel


Assistant Professor (Church History)


Tel: 2684 3253
Email: [email protected]


Ph.D., Boston University, USA, 2022.
S.T.M., Boston University, USA, 2017.
M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA, 2015.
A.A., University of the Nations, USA, 2011.
A.A., Wake Technical Community College, USA, 2007.



Assistant Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2022-.
Adjunct Professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA, 2021.


Research Interests:

I am open to overseeing projects within the medieval and early modern periods of the history of western Christianity. My own research interests lie in the history of Christian mysticism / mystical theology and adjacent concepts such as apophaticism, contemplation, spirituality, etc. My current book projects include a history of the development of the concept of mystical theology from the ninth century to the eve of the Reformation, tentatively titled Mystica theologia: A Conceptual History (Brill); a co-edited volume with Gerald Christianson, tentatively titled Cusanus and Luther: An Unexpected Dialogue (Brill); and a translation with Jonas Hermann of Volker Leppin’s Ruhen in Gott: Eine Geschichte der Christlichen Mystik / Resting in God: A History of Christian Mysticism (Routledge). 

Selected Publications:

“Martin Luther and Apophaticism,” in The Oxford Handbook of Apophatic Theology (Oxford, forthcoming).

“Mystical Terms in Johannes Altenstaig’s Vocabularius theologiae (1517), co-authored with Erin R. Zoutendam, Renaissance and Reformation 47 (2024): 7-48.

“Mystical Theology and Imageless Prayer in Hugh of Balma and Blosius,” Sixteenth Century Journal 60 (2024, forthcoming).

“Jean Gerson’s Annotatio and the Contours of Mystical Theology,” in Mystical Theology and Platonism in the Time of Cusanus: Essays in Honor of Donald F. Duclow, ed. Jason Alexander, et all (Brill, 2023), 7-20.

“Martin Luther and Contemplation,” co-authored with Erin R. Zoutendam, Renaissance and Reformation Review 25 (2023): 3-20.

“Martin Luther’s Jewish Assassin,” Lutheran Quarterly 34 (2020): 249-67.

“I Know that I Do Not Know: Nichols of Cusa’s Augustine,” Harvard Theological Review 113 (2020): 460-82.

“‘Faith From Hearing’ in Luther’s Sermons on the Visitation,” Lutheran Quarterly 33 (2019): 276-86.

“The Darkness of Faith: A Study in Martin Luther’s 1535 Galatians Commentary,” 37 (2016): 213-32.



