Doctor of Biblical Exegesis, especially Old Testament, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2000.
B.Th., Lund University, Sweden, 1989.
Associate Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2023-.
Associate Professor, Lund University, Sweden, 2018-2022.
Associate Professor, TUMA, Arusha, Tanzania, 2013-2016.
Associate Professor, Uppsala University, 2000-2013.
Periodically also at other universities and institutes in Stockholm, Umeå, Linköping and other places in Sweden.
Research Interests:
Biblical Archaeology; Biblical History; Postcolonial Perspectives on the Old Testament; Bible Translation History.
Selected Publications:
“Among Hyenas, Demons, and Barn Owls (Isa 34:11, 13–15): The Disarmament of a Resistance Text in the Swahili Bibles,” in Metaphors in the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible and Beyond, (JAJS) ed. David Davage, Mikael Larsson, Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer Leiden: Brill, 141-164, 2023.
“The Shoshenq Connection in the Old Testament” Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 75 (2010), 135-154.
Moats in Ancient Palestine, Stockholm 2000.
“Jezreel - its Contribution to Iron Age Chronology”, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament Volume 12 (1998) 86-101.